Tips and information to help unpaid carers through the festive season

The festive season can be a wonderful time but it can also be stressful or challenging, particularly for people who provide unpaid care or help to someone close to them who is ill, disabled, elderly or misuses substances. To help make the holiday period a bit brighter and more manageable, we’ve prepared some information about the support available and some tips to navigate the holidays.

Services that can help

If you need information or support related to your caring role, our Advisors are available throughout the festive break (except the bank holidays – 25th & 26th December 2024 and 1st January 2025). Reach out via email at or call 01992 58 69 69 (Monday -Thursday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-4pm).

Carers UK phone helpline is available throughout the holiday period, open 9am – 6pm Monday to Friday, including the bank holidays. The number is 0808 808 7777 and is free to call from landlines and mobiles.

Hertfordshire County Council’s Adult Care Services (0300 123 4042) and Children’s Services (0300 123 4043) have an out of hours service for emergencies.

HertsHelp has trained advisors that offer free, confidential assistance if you need help and don’t know where to turn. Visit or call 0300 123 4044. They are closed the bank holidays, but open 10am – 4pm on 24th and 27th – 31st December 2024.

Emotional support

If you need someone to talk to during the festive season, support is available for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Togetherall is a free online community for Hertfordshire residents struggling with their mental health, to share experiences in a safe, anonymous and non-judgemental space, moderated by professionals. Join anytime at

If you or someone you know just wants to talk to someone who’ll listen, call Samaritans free on 116 123 anytime or visit

If you or someone you know or look after requires help in a crisis or needs to speak to a mental health professional, call NHS 111 (option 2).

If you are at risk of harm, or someone you know is, call 999 or visit your nearest A&E.

For more information about the mental health support available in Hertfordshire, visit

Tips to navigate the festive season

Plan Ahead: Try to organise as much as you can in advance and involve the person you care for as much as you feel they can manage. Preparation includes meal planning, shopping, checking there is sufficient medication and scheduling any necessary medical appointments.

Think about what the holiday period means to the person you care for – whether they want to observe any religious or other celebrations or traditions. Focus on the most meaningful traditions and let go of the rest. It’s okay to have a simpler celebration.

Speak to friends and family in advance if they are visiting, so they know what to expect, or to let them know if you are unable to meet up. Perhaps you could catch up with people using online platforms such as WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype or FaceTime.

Take people up on their offers of help or ask for assistance.

Keep things simple and familiar, including the usual daily routine. Be mindful of the usual eating preferences of the person you care for – ensure there are familiar and favourite things around.

Take a break: Make sure to take some time for yourself. Perhaps even go for a walk as being out in the fresh air for a stroll can lift mood and improve sleep.

Stay connected: Reach out to other carers through online forums or support groups. Sharing experiences can be very comforting.

Be flexible as your plans may have to change and have an emergency plan: Think about what would happen if you are unable to care for the person you support for any reason, or if the arrangements for the person you look after change. Find out which services are available during the holidays. Share details of your plan with others, such as family or friends, or have a copy at home and with the person you look after.