Share your views and experiences of being an unpaid carer by completing the State of Caring Survey 2024

Carers UK is calling for people who provide unpaid care or help to a partner, relative or friend due to a disability, illness, addiction or they are elderly, to take its 2024 State of Caring Survey. The annual survey helps the national charity for carers find out what its like to be a carer in the UK and shape its campaigns and the support it provides.

The survey asks about what your life is like as a carer and what you would like changed to support you in your caring role. You will be asked about your experiences of health and care services, your health and wellbeing and more.

You can complete the survey online at
and it will be available until Sunday 11th August 2024. It will take about 20 – 30 minutes to complete. Carers UK would appreciate your time and support to help paint a picture of what it’s like to be a carer in 2024.

Carers UK uses the responses for campaigning to improve support and services for carers and informing the Government how their policies affect carers’ lives. Last year over 11,600 carers and former carers took the survey. Responses were used to make recommendations to prevent carer poverty through the Carer Poverty Coalition and previous survey results contributed to the successful campaign for new legislation around unpaid carer’s leave.

You can find out more about the survey at