To mark Young Carers Action Day (Wednesday 12th March 2025) we will continue to support young carers and their families in Hertfordshire. Our focus is on providing information and assistance to help ease their caring responsibilities and support their wellbeing.
This year’s theme, “Give me a Break,” emphasises the importance of young carers taking time to rest, recharge, and focus on themselves. A break can include doing activities like hobbies, spending time talking to or meeting up with friends, listening to music or watching videos.
We organise activities during school holidays to offer young carers a chance to have fun and connect with others. Events for the Easter and summer breaks are in the works, although we usually offer bowls and skiing courses in the summer as well as sessions with sports and crafts.
For adult carers aged 18 and over, we have upcoming workshops such as online meditation sessions, a spring card-making activity in Hertford, and a first aid workshop in St Albans. Learn more on our events page.
In February 2025, 115 young carers attended our Young Carers’ Conference, with workshops in drama, art, upcycling, and music. The theme, Empathy not Sympathy, was chosen by our Young Carers’ Council. Health, education and social care professionals also attended, hearing about the importance of listening to young carers’ stories and offering tailored support.
Some young carers filmed a video on why it’s important to take breaks from their caring role and what they do when they have time to themselves. We will share the video soon.
Gemma Roake, our Young Carers Service Manager, said: “Young Carers Action Day provides an opportunity to highlight the challenges young carers face and the support they need. It is also a chance for organisations such as ours to remind young carers that we are there to support them and their families and give them a voice all year round.”
Currently, over 3,200 young carers are registered with us, but many more in Hertfordshire may not be known to services. We encourage anyone who may be a young carer to reach out for support and information.
You can help make a difference by volunteering or fundraising for our cause.
Carers Trust, which co-ordinates Young Carers Action Day, will also advocate for government action to improve opportunities for young and young adult carers. You can learn more about the day and Carers Trust’s work at
To learn more, visit our young carers pages or call us at 01992 58 69 69.