Acupressure for First Aid and Common Ailments

Wednesday 17th July 2024, 2pm to 4pm. The points and associated channels and functions used in acupuncture can be stimulated in other ways to just needling. Applying deep, sustained pressure or rubbing points on a relaxed body can help with pain, discomfort, tension, strengthening the immune system, calming the mind, restoring consciousness and affect the functioning of all systems at a clinical level. Even without having training in Traditional Chinese Medicine, certain points can be used safely and effectively without needing recourse to pharmaceuticals.

Acupressure for First Aid and Common Ailments

  • Wednesday 17th July 2024, 2pm to 4pm.

    We often subconsciously rub or press different parts of our body without even realising it. There is an instinctive knowledge deep inside of what we need, if we listen to it.

    The points and associated channels and functions used in acupuncture can be stimulated in other ways to just needling. Applying deep, sustained pressure or rubbing points on a relaxed body can help with pain, discomfort, tension, strengthening the immune system, calming the mind, restoring consciousness and affect the functioning of all systems at a clinical level. Even without having training in Traditional Chinese Medicine, certain points can be used safely and effectively without needing recourse to pharmaceuticals.

    This workshop will cover:

    • Techniques to apply safe, effective acupressure;
    • A selection of points that can easily be used on oneself or friends and family;
    • Contra-indications of when it’s not appropriate to use;
    • A simple introduction to the principles of Chinese Medicine theory.

    For those who wish, we can find the points on each other but you may also choose to just apply the techniques to yourself. Please arrive with short fingernails on thumbs and index fingers – we don’t want to be drawing blood!

    Handouts will be provided for reference.


    Please complete and return the health questionnaire to at least one week before attending.

    Download Health Questionnaire here.


    The workshop will be led by Liz Welch. She has over 30 years’ experience in the field and taught Shiatsu, Chinese Medicine theory, acupressure and meditation for over 16 years, before retiring as a Director of the European Shiatsu School. She was a carer for many years for her mother, who suffered from dementia. She now teaches Tai Chi and Qigong in the Hertford area and online. See

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Sele Farm Community Centre, 25 Perrett Gardens, Hertford SG14 2LW Directions