Carers Representation Group

Wednesday 10th April 2024, 11am to 12.30pm followed by a light lunch. Come and join the Carers Representation Group so that we can discuss the issues that you want referred to the quarterly Carers Co-production Board. The Co-production Board meets quarterly and is chaired by Chris Badger, Director of Adult Care Services and Tinu Adewoye, an unpaid family carer. Members include carers and officers from social care, health and the voluntary sector. The Board receives reports about the delivery of the Carers Strategy and service developments of interest to carers. It is also somewhere we can take issues – particularly when they have been raised by a number of carers and represent a wide experience.

Carers Representation Group

  • This event is now full. If you would like to be added to our reserve list then please email or call us.

    Wednesday 10th April 2024, 11am to 12.30pm followed by a light lunch.

    Come and join the Carers Representation Group so that we can discuss the issues that you want referred to the quarterly Carers Co-production Board.

    The Co-production Board meets quarterly and is chaired by Chris Badger, Director of Adult Care Services and Tinu Adewoye, an unpaid family carer. Members include carers and officers from social care, health and the voluntary sector. The Board receives reports about the delivery of the Carers Strategy and service developments of interest to carers. It is also somewhere we can take issues – particularly when they have been raised by a number of carers and represent a wide experience.

    When booking your place please inform us of any dietary requirements.

Event Dates:

The Wellfield Trust Room at Birchwood Sports and Leisure Centre, Longmead, Hatfield Directions