Challenges with Discharge from General Hospital

Tuesday 3rd December 2024, 10am to 11.30am. Have you had experience of the discharge process from a General Hospital in Hertfordshire and West Essex recently? We would like to invite you to meet with us so we can hear about your experiences of who you care for having been discharged (in the past 2 years) or in the process of being discharge from a General Hospital in Hertfordshire and West Essex.

Challenges with Discharge from General Hospital

  • Tuesday 3rd December 2024, 10am to 11.30am.

    Have you had experience of the discharge process from a General Hospital in Hertfordshire and West Essex recently?

    We would like to invite you to meet with us so we can hear about your experiences of who you care for having been discharged (in the past 2 years) or in the process of being discharge from a General Hospital in Hertfordshire and West Essex.

    We are aware that this can be a very stressful time for carers who are often not a part of this process and as an organisation we want to work with services to improve carers experience in this area. With the information discussed – which will remain anonymous – we will feed this into discussions we are having with different organisations we aim to influence to improve services for carers.


    Please note this is not suitable for carers of someone with ill mental health. We are running a separate event to feedback on discharge from Mental Health Inpatient services.

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