NHS Moving and Handling Workshop

Thursday 1st February 2024, 10am to 1pm Moving and Handling workshop for Parents and family Carers of Children & Young People with Physical Disabilities Contact the organisers at: Telephone: 01923 470680 Opt 3 Email: hct.cyptherapies1@nhs.net Twitter: @Herts_CYPT

NHS Moving and Handling Workshop

  • Thursday 1st February 2024, 10am to 1pm

    Please note: this event is not being hosted by Carers in Hertfordshire and all questions and bookings need to be directed to the details below.

    Moving and Handling workshop for Parents and family Carers of Children & Young People with Physical Disabilities

    This is a free workshop for parents, legal guardians and family carers who look after a child or young person with a physical disability. (We are unable to accommodate education staff or paid carers on this workshop).

    The workshop will provide you with advice and helpful tips on how to move your child safely, whilst looking after yourself. It covers topics such as the importance of back care, moving and handling techniques, relevant legislation for paid carers and an opportunity for you to trial moving and handling equipment for yourself.


    TO BOOK click here – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/756252941907


    Contact the organisers at:

    Telephone: 01923 470680 Opt 3

    Email: hct.cyptherapies1@nhs.net

    Twitter: @Herts_CYPT

Event Dates:

The Marlowes Health And Wellbeing Centre, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead HP1 1LD