Materials to Download

Identify and support carers in your surgery with these materials to download.

We want to work with you to help you identify and support carers in your surgery. You can download any of the materials below free of charge and use them in your surgery. We have sorted them into Materials for carers to read, Materials for staff and Carer Support Hub Posters. If you would like multiple copies to distribute to carers, or if there is any other information that would be useful to you, please let us know.

Materials for carers to read

About Carers in Hertfordshire Easy Read Leaflet
An Easy Read leaflet for you to hand out to carers explaining the support that we offer.

Make a Difference Noticeboard Poster
A poster for you to display in your waiting room, explaining our Make a Difference scheme, offering funded breaks for carers.

Waiting Room Screen
A powerpoint slide with our key information, which you can display on a screen in your waiting room. If you would prefer this in another format, please let us know.

Information for practice websites
Information about our services for you to upload to your practice website so that carers can find out about our support.

Young Carers – Noticeboard poster and information postcards
A poster for you to display to encourage young carers to recognise their caring role and a postcard with information about the support we provide young people aged 18 and under who help care for a relative who is ill, disabled or elderly.

Bereavement Support Leaflet
A tri-fold leaflet for you share with bereaved carers that need support after the person they cared for has passed away (not for carers who require counselling or already receiving bereavement support from other organisations).

Materials for staff

Carers ID and Professional Referral Form
A referral form to Carers in Hertfordshire for GP surgeries.

Carers and health: Health professionals make all the difference
A simple, concise outline for health professionals, explaining who carers are, why they need support, the support available and what you can do to help.

Carers in Hertfordshire and GP surgeries: Working together to keep carers healthy
A leaflet for surgery staff explaining our work and how we can work with you to support carers in your surgery.

Remember Carers Stickers
A template for stickers with our website address.

Remember Carers Postcard
A postcard for surgery staff to keep handy, reminding them to support carers and with our key details.

Carers Welcome Pack
A welcome pack for you to personalise for your surgery and give to carers when they register.

Carer Support Hub Posters

Click on the button below for the town nearest your GP surgery to download the dates for our Carer Support Hubs taking place in that town in 2025. Alternatively, we have a list of all our groups for carers including online sessions via this link – Carer Support Groups.