Resources for Professionals

Our work with health and other professionals

We work in partnership with lots of organisations in Hertfordshire who support carers, particularly those in Health and Social Care. One of our key aims is to make Hertfordshire a good place to be if you are a carer.


Health and wellbeing

Primary care professionals are often the first point of contact for carers in terms of identification and referral. Roughly 10% of patients are likely to have some caring responsibilities – that’s about 100,000 people in Hertfordshire alone.

Research shows that many of these carers neglect their own health and wellbeing in favour of the person they care for and are more vulnerable to ill health because of the physical aspects (carrying and lifting) of their caring role.

We work closely with GP surgeries to ensure that carers register themselves as carers with their GP and gain access to the information and support they are entitled to, including how to access specific health funding for carers breaks (Make a Difference).

The majority of GP surgeries across the county have a Carers in Hertfordshire Noticeboard, which contains regularly updated information on what’s available for carers.



Many carers tell us that one of the best ways to identify other carers is at the point when the person they care for is discharged from hospital. We have lots of examples of good practice which can help make this a reality – please contact us for more information.


Social Care

We work closely with key partners in Social Care to help ensure that carers get access to the information and support they are entitled and provide opportunities for carers to have their say on the issues which are most important to them.