News Post - February 2024
A key aspect of participation is co-production which is a way of working based on equal partnerships between people who use services, carers and professionals. It is about people working together so that we move away from ‘doing to’ people to an approach that is ‘doing with’.
Co-production means working with carers to:
It is important to note that co-production is one aspect of participation which also consists of the following:
When promoting opportunities the Carer Engagement Team will make clear the level of participation and the potential to influence that is possible with any engagement opportunity.
Participating in engagement also benefits carers as it provides a chance to:
And finally, we believe that those who use a service are best placed to help design it!
This video, produced by Think Local Act Personal (TLAP), explains the different types of participation – also known as ‘The Ladder of Co-Production’.