Learn Something New

Our Carer Development and Learning team run free courses and activities for unpaid carers.

Welcome to the Carers Development and Learning Service where we hope you will find a workshop or course tailored to your needs.

Our courses and workshops are designed for unpaid carers and run by a highly skilled professional team of staff; we provide FREE, LIVELY and FUN opportunities for you to learn and have a break from your caring responsibilities. We are proud to work in partnership with many education providers in Hertfordshire, including Hertfordshire Library ServicesThe Workers Educational Association (WEA), Further Education Colleges and the YMCA.

The latest list of our courses and workshops, taking place as a mixture of online and in person sessions, is available here – Carers’ courses and workshops list March 2025 onwards. Our course list in large print is available here – Carers’ courses and workshops list in large print for March 2025 onwards.

The array of opportunities is vast from courses to help you in your caring role to those designed to give you some me time to improve or take up a new hobby.

Courses offered recently have included:

  • Carers Wellbeing Course
  • Creative Writing and art classes
  • Beginners’  Computer sessions (in conjunction with local libraries)
  • Assertiveness workshops
  • Legal Planning
  • End of Life Care
  • Moving and Handling and various other topics.
  • Cooking for Carers with Sarah Scotland

We have also produced some online workshops and suggestions about activities you can do at home, some with the person you care for. Find out more at this Link.

What do carers think?

Computing for Beginners:

“Used a computer for the first time.  Found it enjoyable”; “Looking forward to the next course”


“All of it has made me feel wonderful”

Please keep checking our events calendar as new courses and workshops are being added all the time. We know that having opportunities close to where you live is very important to carers and we take this into account when organising our training and events programme. We do have sessions that repeat to enable more people to access them.

If you wish to attend a course or workshop, but need help with alternative care for the person you look after to enable you to do so, then please contact us as we can offer support for this.

You can call us on 01992 58 69 69 (9am – 5.30pm Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4.30pm on Fridays) or email learning@carersinherts.org.uk

All our courses and workshops are free to carers registered with Carers in Hertfordshire. Register online at this link.