Planning for Emergencies and the Future

Our advice on preparing in case you are unable to support the person you look after.

It’s important to make plans for who will look after the person you support if you have an emergency or can no longer care. It is also worth thinking about how you would manage sudden changes to your caring role, such as the person you care for going into hospital, requiring additional support away from the home (such as moving into supported accommodation or a care home), or if they pass away.

We understand that with all the other pressures on you as a carer, it may not be easy to find the time and think through these matters. However, there is advice and support available to you.

Remember: PLAN

We have worked with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) to provide some practical support and solutions to ensure you and your loved one(s) receive the care and help that you need. The key is to PLAN!

Preparation: There are a few things you can do to get ready for every eventuality:

    • Complete a Carer’s Assessment, let us know you have caring responsibilities and HCC can help you create an In Case of Emergency Plan for the unexpected;
    • Fill in a weekly or monthly planner and leave it on the fridge or by the phone so the whereabouts of you and your loved one(s) can be easily known;
    • Carry a card identifying you as a carer in case of emergency, HCC will issue one when you agree a Plan;
    • Add an ICE (In Case of Emergency) contact number into your mobile phone;
    • If the person you are caring for is at risk of going missing, no matter what their age or needs, download and complete a Missing Persons Form.

List: Make a list of emergency contact numbers and keep this by the phone or on the fridge so you always know where to find it.

Act: Make this a priority! The sooner you make an Emergency Plan or plan for the future, the better you will feel.

Notify: Once your plan is in place make sure you update the relevant people or organisation(s) of your wishes; that way if anything does happen you know that your plan will kick into action.

Who can help?

Our Carer Support Advisors can discuss making an informal plan with you – things to consider, or the arrangements you had in mind – so you are reassured that measures can be put in place if you are unexpectedly unable to provide care. Get in touch to chat with a Carer Support Advisor.

You can make an official Carer’s In Case of Emergency Plan with Hertfordshire County Council or the Hertfordshire Partnership NHS University Foundation Trust (HPFT), providing that you or the person you care for is an adult an accessing services in Hertfordshire. The plan can be produced as part of a Carer’s Assessment or separately.

If the person you support has a mental illness (or the main support need is a mental illness) you will need to contact HPFT single point of access on 0800 6444 101.

If the person you support is elderly, disabled, has a physical illness, misuses drugs or alcohol or has dementia you will need to contact Hertfordshire County Council. To find out more or to make a plan visit the Council’s website – Hertfordshire Carer’s In Case of Emergency Plan.

Carers UK also has some tips about planning for emergencies and you can learn more via this link – Carers UK Planning for Emergencies Advice.