Volunteering Application Form

Seen a volunteering opportunity you are interested in? Sign up for it here!

"“For me Carers in Hertfordshire was my wake up call, I was in danger of becoming ill, but with the support and advice you provided you helped me rethink things. The charity is unique and means so much to family and friend carers like me as you put us first and allow us to think about and prioritise our health and wellbeing.”"
"It is satisfying to use my previous work skills and share my experiences as a carer I hope that this helps people use what they learn and apply it to their jobs, improving interaction and support for carers and people with care needs.

It's useful having a charity like Carers in Hertfordshire there to turn to for information or support related to caring and to provide a platform for family and friend carers to have their voices heard by health and other services in Hertfordshire."
"“Caring for someone, no matter how much one loves that person and wishes to help that person, is a challenging and difficult process, with plenty of ups and downs. It is good, even vital, to have an escape, to have something that is just for oneself. Something that provides an oasis in amongst the ‘desert’ of caring.”"